Learn To Fly

Friendly Reminder
Paragliding is an inherently risky sport, and although it is easy to learn it is somewhat difficult or takes time to master.
So you need to go through all the training progressions and it will take time, patience, investment and dedication to become a good paraglider pilot.
We are strict on safety and conduct our trainings according to an internationally accepted guidelines, therefore there is no shortcut in becoming a paraglider pilot.
So before you register to the training, please be prepared for spending time on the training schedule and attending all of them.
Having said that, as part of the effort to organise equipment logistics and ensuring commitment from trainee pilots’s attendance, all registrations requires full payment at least 1 week before the training starts.
Please fill in the registration form to book your training slot.
Pilot Training Registration Form
Most commonly asked questions (FAQ) :
1. What You'll Learn
Throughout the course, your instructor will explain the fundamental of paragliding flight that covers the laws of aerodynamics and its correlation to the equipment.
An example of one of the basic laws of aerodynamics that will be covered is as follows:
You will go through a series of introduction to all types of equipment setings, configurations, each type’s advantages and disadvantages, including the design of paragliders.
An example on one of the equipment configurations that will be covered is as follows:
Meteorology is an important part of training and in this section, we will explain the relevant meteorological conditions that influences your flight and all its advantages or disadvantages, including the hazards or potential risks that it poses.
An example of weather management in this chapter is as follows:
The most physically demanding task, yet the most important part – is the session where you will be trained on how to handle and control the glider while being on the ground, hence its title of Ground Handling.
In this session, it will usually take 2 days but we are flexible in the timeframe and will make sure that you are capable of controlling the glider before we proceed to the next phase.
An example of ground handling training video is as follows:
Applicable for Stage 2 of the training progression
Upon being convinced that you are able to control the glider accordingly, we will start teaching you how to launch and land the glider during calm or mild wind condition.
Prior to starting this phase, you will be taken on several tandem paragliding flights and experience the glider handling in-flight together with your instructor. This will increase your confidence and adjustment during your first solo flight.
You will practice this phase over several days and during each, you will be guided on how to perform several additional inflight maneuvers.
An example of launching is as follows:
An example of trainee pilot’s landing approach :
Applicable for Stage 3 of the training progression
The essential flight maneuvers that we will teach are for ensuring that you will be able to land the glider safely in most situations.
The maneuvers are the basics but not limited to; Left/Right turns to lose height, Figure-8, 360-degree circle, Big-Ears and they will be repeated several times until you become comfortable and familiar with the maneuvers.
You will also be practising the Air Traffic Rules for paragliding as part of this training phase.
As part of the training, we will teach and emphasize the importance of incident management and handling whenever an uncontrollable in-flight situation occurs such as rescue parachute deployment (in a simulated environment).
2. What You Will Get
To ensure that you will stay refreshed on the training contents, we will provide you with the training manual and record book as references after the training sessions. It also acts as the logbook for you to record all training activities to be validated and signed by your instructor.
By maintaining PGMY membership, you are entitled for further discounts on products such as paragliders, harnesses, helmets, et cetera from manufacturers such as Ozone, UP, Woody Valley, SupAir and Air Design, just to name a few.
Upon completion of the training, you will be issued Pilot Certification ID Card that contains your insurance information (if available and highly recommended to get yourself an insurance) and a personalised QR code that in linked to your training information at the Pilot Directory for verification by anyone who scans the QR code.
In this, you will be rated as PGMY Trainee Pilot (equivalent to FAI SafePro Stage 2).
You are still required to continue practice flying until a minimum of 40 logged flights before starts applying for a new rating such as the Novice Pilot rating.
3. Steps To Start
To keep ourselves well organized, we use an online database management system through registration form available at the bottom of this web page.
It allows us to keep track of all appointments as well as notifying all of the involved instructors and assistants on your booking appointments.
With that, we would appreciate it if you could use the online registration form below to schedule a training session with us.
The payment could be paid using any bank account through the FPX gateway of your choice.
Our main training location is an open field or wide beach area based on region you are registering the training to be held.
However, depending on weather condition, we might change it elsewhere to an alternative location which we will advice accordingly.
4. What You Need To Prepare
The most important requirement other than proper safety gears which we will provide during training, you are only required to make sure that proper shoes are used during training.
Any outdoor sports shoes would do, anything else are optional and subjective such as whether you prefer to use long pants and sleeves or khaki shorts.
This is due to hot tropical weather and the ground handling training will be conducted in an open field under the afternoon sun.
The ground handling session is quite a strenuous activity, so if you suspect that your health condition may not be suitable then please get a medical advice in prior.
Other than ground handling, the rest are quite easy and relaxing especially when you are able to control the glider well before launching.
Share with us your medical history that could prohibit you from engaging yourself in a strenuous activity under the sun, so we could adjust the ground handling training technique and schedule according to the weather and your situation.
5. Sessions of Training
Stage 1 (Ground Handling) will take 3 consecutive days (maximum 4 days). We require your commitment to attend all of the training sessions so we will not drag the training duration for too long beyond the scheduled days.
Stage 2 (Launch & Land) will take 3 consecutive days (maximum 4 days). We require your commitment to attend all of the training sessions so we will not drag the training duration for too long beyond the scheduled days.
Exceptions : Unless of course if the delay is caused by weather condition or an inevitable situation such as restriction of access to flying sites by the government (i.e. Covid-19 movement control), we will continue to ensure that your training sessions are uninterrupted.
The training course will end after the stipulated number days of each Stage, and we believe that it’s reasonably fair that for any additional number of days that does not fall under the exceptions above, should incur some additional charges accordingly.
After you have completed the training course, you will be able to start flying at several sites that are designated as suitable for novice pilots such as the following :
- Jugra Paragliding Park (Selangor)
- Pedas Paragliding Park (Negeri Sembilan)
- Bubus Paragliding Park (Terengganu)
However, you are required to fly with the supervision of an instructor to ensure that you will be monitored for your continuous safety. An instructor or a pilot with more experience will advice you on any mistakes or share their experience during your continuous practice flights.
6. Do I Need To Purchase Own Gears?
During training course you will be using our equipment and there is no need to purchase your own set of gears for the training.
Ideally it would be better that you procure your own set of equipment and continue practising on your own set of gears. We will advice you on the setup that suits your ability and budgets.
However, occasionally we do have and allow new pilots that already completed their training to continue using our gears whenever they are not being used by another students.
Sometimes we will even rent the gears for your use based on a daily rate.
How to get to the training sites?
The easiest way to get to the flying site is by taking the 45 minutes domestic flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu airport. In addition, there’s an 8 hour journey using the overnight bus service from Kuala Lumpur directly to Besut town near the flying site.
The most common option is usually to drive via the LPT and it takes about 5 hours to reach the flying site.
Getting to Lombok is quite straightforward, especially if you are from Malaysia or Singapore. There are daily direct fights to Lombok from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Singapore Changi Airport (Changi). If you are from Hong Kong or Australia, you have to take a transit flight via Bali.
Alternatively, there are ferry services from Bali to Lombok and it takes about 3 hours journey.